Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Difference Between a Safety Net and a Spider Web

By Matthew Cardinale, News Editor, Atlanta Progressive News (April 19, 2007)

My name is Matthew Cardinale and I'm the News Editor and Publisher of Atlanta Progressive News. Our Editorial principles include the support of affordable housing, so I'm here on behalf of the Board of Directors and Staff of Atlanta Progressive News to let you all know that you have lost your minds.

5,500 people. 5,500 people that you plan to evict when you destroy our precious public housing.
And all of those subject to early eviction by the end of June if they don't have full-time work or are in school.

This is our land. This is public land.

What you're proposing is the difference between a safety net and a spider web.

Where are they going to go? Into shelters? Our shelter system is already too overwhelmed.
On the streets? So they can panhandle and become more subject to emergency room visits? What about Housing First?

Isn't this supposed to be a Housing First City? Not private developers first.

This is an atrocity, a calamity.

Has the Housing Authority considered the economic conditions today in this country? The cost of living, especially housing, in this city, is going up, while wages are stagnating.

We should be going everything we can do preserve the safety net and not destroy it.
Atlanta Progressive News will continue to expose each and every injustice and I encourage people to stay connected and come to atlantaprogressivenews.com. Thank you.

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